Rush Mountain – 31 miles off the beaten track
Kiting With a commitment to make kite-boarding a popular and accessible water sport to all, we offer the best kite-surfing experience along with the pleasures of raw beauty of our spot and island. The place is truly a perfect vacation spot as well.
[fa icon=” fa-map-signs” color=”666666″] Waymarked Trails
[fa icon=” fa-paw” color=”666666″] Be aware of wildlife
Highlands Paths
Our lessons are available for both beginner and advanced levels. For beginners we have an introductory course as well as a full course.
River Valley Hike Route
Our lessons are available for both beginner and advanced levels. For beginners we have an introductory course as well as a full course.
Eagle Peak Route
Our lessons are available for both beginner and advanced levels. For beginners we have an introductory course as well as a full course.